Hello.I played entrenchment.this is very nice,but I find strange happen.I colonized new planet.that neutrality Siege frigate is doesn't work bombardment planet...thanks you!
Sorry I'm struggling with your English a little bit but I think you are trying to say that the neatral ships in a gravity well at the start of the game aren't sieging the planet once it is colonised?
I don't get this behaviour at all, is it possible that the siege ship is still attacking it's current target?
Sorry, I'm english is very trouble...neutral race Siege frigates is doesn't work bombardment to new colonize planet.
It should! However, if you are building a turret and he is in range of that turret, he will reposition himself. This is jsut one of few AI changes which make it a bit more sophisticated.
I know what he is talking about.
I have colonized planets and jumped away just to watch the siege frigates sit there and do nothing.
I have come across planets owned by the AI that has nothing in the well but nuetral ships. Once again the siege frigates have not been bombarding the planet.
hmm strange. In mine, they always break off whatever they are attacking to bomb the planet. (after the colony ship has jumped)
Mine used to as well, but since I have upgraded to Entrenchment they no longer do it seems. I will do some testing today and see what happens.
yes, probably That's right.
I've seen this too. I see neutral siege frigs just sit there and attack nothing.
I just saw this recently. What appears to happen is that the siege frigate is trying to move to the planet - the drive trails will just flicker. In my case, it eventually 'reached' bombing range.
A friend of mine is somehow able to exploit this to expand very rapidly. He's stubborn and won't share his secret, and I was wondering if anyone else might be able to shed some light on the subject?
We're playing the latest Rebellion beta.
Your friend is simply better than you. You can't always blame bugs for another player's superior skill.
Treytor, Your freind is playing as a TEC Rebel, and is researching TruceAmounstRogues, a tier 4 tech with 2 prerequisites in the Diplomacy tree. (It gives immunity to all neutral militia, and pirate raids)!
To learn your freinds secrets, turn on autorecording (in Replays), and watch replays of what he is doing.
BTW, this was a very old thread that you dredged up.